
Pushing Forward

Peace out 2017. I have definitely hated a good portion of 2017, but at the same time I had many, many, memorable moments and met some major personal fitness goals. Nobody expects to start a fresh year with the horrific call that their father, their rock, their role model never woke up, but unfortunately that is how my year started. You can read my fitness tribute blog to my dad here: to see how much of an impact he had on me. "Like an eagle, I will fly" "In their daily life all are braver than they know." I learned that death can be inspiring. It inspired me to be nicer to every single person- as you never know what they are facing in their life. It inspired me to live each day like it is my last and to make the most of every moment with every person. It inspired me to thrive on making memories with my friends, and family. It inspired me to attack my goals and set new ones onc


Mondays...... I have such a love hate relationship with Mondays. I truly love what I do on Mondays but man, by 9pm I am straight up exhausted. I want to share a few workouts with you from a recent Monday of mine. I also want to invite any of you to join me in any of the classes I teach Monday- I would love to have you as a guest! 4:30am: alarm goes off, I get dressed, make coffee, load my car up and hit the road to the Y. 5:30am: BOOT CAMP @ Jordan YMCA Warm up 50 meter sprint 15 air squats 50 meter sprint 15 alternating lunges 50 meter sprint 15 calf raises 50 meter sprint 15 jump squats 50 meter sprint 15 jump lunges 50 meter sprint Circuit 30 second jump rope 30 second squat press with free weights 30 second push up pulls with free weights 30 seconds plank REPEAT 2X Fast jog to North Central Football Stadium (.5 mile) Zig zag stadium X2 Jog up and down, 10 jump squats, 10 tricep dips REPEAT 5X Zig zag stadium X2 Slow jog back to YMCA (.5 mile) 7:30-4:0

Hello Find Love In Fitness

A lot of you may have already noticed by now- but I have expanded my business. I am really excited about Find Love In Fitness and the exciting future ahead. I launched my site a little over a month ago and am just wrapping up my first big 4-week workout plan: Fitter, Faster, Stronger. I am really happy with how this plan went and I had some awesome participants! In short, it was 4 weeks of workouts sent to individuals. Here is some feedback I received: "Your workouts are kicking my BUTT" "Just did the workout today, so good!" "Loved getting these this past month. They really pushed me to the next level." "You are a wonderful trainer! Thank you for helping me!" "They were challenging, but easy to understand." So- it was a successful 4 week program! Next up I am running a promo and for any current and new subscribers now until June 24th I will be sending a free 1-week workout plan---- so go to my site and subscribe!

Outdoor workouts

Here in Indiana the weather has been all over the place this month. I think we are finally in a safe zone where we can count on it being over 60 degrees most days. I LOVE summer and I LOVE doing my workouts outside. I know not everyone loves the sun and heat, but there are lots of options for getting your workouts done while enjoying the weather. I wanted to share my top two favorite outdoor workouts with you! Hills: I love hill workouts! They are hard, you can modify them, and you get to be outside. You can almost always find a park or neighborhood with a hill/hills to workout on. For me, I go to Flat Fork Creek Park in Fortville, or Fort Harrison State Park has a fabulous hill. What I usually do: Jog for 5-10 minutes to get warmed up Walk up the hill, walk down- 3X Rest 1 minute (you can also do air squats, abs, or plyometrics during the rest minutes) Sprint up the hill, jog down- 3X Rest 1 minute Sprint up the hill, jog down- 2X Rest 1 minute Sprint up th
  Big news  first----- I am really, really excited to announce my sister and her family are moving back to the Indianapolis area!! They have been in Chicago the last 10 years and it has been really difficult being so far away. I foresee lots of workouts with my sister happening in the future! Did you know she loves fitness just as much as I do? Check out her recent blog post about getting back in shape after baby #3.      Lindy and I running the Aurora 1/2 marathon a few years ago AND we both had dark hair.   I am so grateful that my family loves fitness. I have mentioned many times that I was raised in a very active family and I have my mom and dad to truly thank for my love of fitness.     My Mom and Dad after one of the many 5ks they completed together. My Mom and I biking in Bloomington   Jake, JJ and I post-garage workout   Random Fitn

Workout log

I decided to keep a detailed log of my workouts the last week and wanted to share those with all of you!   This is what a typical week looks like for me. Some days are more intense than others- I try to really listen to my body and push when I can. As you can see my days, times, and locations are sporadic- which is something I have had to accept with being a full time working mom .     Thursday, March 23 LA Fitness @ 6:30AM 20 minute stair master 5 pull ups X 3 Medicine ball abs Friday, March 24 6:00PM 8 mile bike ride outside Saturday, March 25 Taught Sculpt and Tone at 9:00AM @ Hancock Wellness Center Sunday, March 26 LA Fitness 10:00AM 25 minute stair master Squats 15 @ 45lbs 10 @ 95lbs 10 @ 105lbs 8 @ 135 5 @ 145 Leg extensions/push-ups Planks Monday, March 27 Taught Sculpt & Tone @ 6:30PM @ Hancock Wellness Center Tuesday, March 28 LA Fitness @ lunch in Carmel 20 minutes stair master 10 thrusters @ 65lbs 10 push press @ 65lbs REPE

My ideal workout

I get asked quite a bit what I do for my workouts. I sometimes have a hard time answering since I tend to shuffle between a lot of different types of exercise. I teach group exercise, and I am training for a few triathlons, but what do I really, truly, love to do as a workout? I love lifting, I love pushing myself, I love the sweat and pain. Today I left my workout feeling amazing and thought to myself "that was my favorite kind of workout." It doesn't happen very often anymore since I am usually rushed to squeeze my workout in- but today it happened. That hard, intense, heavy, sweaty, leave you hurting so good kind of workout. Jake took first shift at 8am when the gym opened. He got home around 10 and then I went to LA Fitness, which is a little longer drive, but since it was Sunday and we had no plans I knew I could go there without a deadline of having to get home. Why do I go all the way to LA Fitness when I have a beautiful, brand new gym right across the street